Shifting from particular claims to general claims in “Funny the Way It is,” Dave Matthews utilizes paradoxical symbolism, straightforward irony, and discreet characterization in order to articulate that life is neither “right or wrong” but simply in existence.
Characterization is not an obvious component utilized by Matthews; it is, however, alluded to throughout the song. The speaker is very detached only addressing that he is present at all when he is watching “the water passing under me.” This brief acknowledgment of presence is the only cue about the physical position about the speaker, however, cautiously, their mental disposition is revealed. The speaker claims on multiple accounts how “funny the way it is” referring to the way events unfold. The use of the word “funny” suggests that the speaker feels as is the situation was neither expected nor unexpected, it just happened. These ideas of coincidences are echoed throughout the song.
Matthews couples characterization with irony to strengthen previous declarations and also generate new ones. The irony of the kid who “walks 10 miles to school” while the other is “dropping out” confirms the speaker’s beliefs on the irregularities of life having no affect on each other. Examples similar to the previous one are mixed with ironic examples of a completely different purpose. “On a soldiers last breath his baby’s being born” portrays the speaker’s beliefs that all in life is reciprocal. Reinforcing this declaration through “somebody’s” broken heart becoming “your favorite song” the speaker suggests that one’s misfortunes may turn out in your favor. The dual use of irony mixes in order to aid the singer, and also to provide a backing for the author’s use of paradoxical symbolism.
The writer merges paradox and symbolism to strengthen his message. Hearing laughter “while the children play at war” is a symbol for the innocence of the children. The natural instinct of children is to laugh while at play, however, laughing while playing war could be looked at as irony because war is not something to laugh about. However, because of the symbol of innocence created, laughing while playing war is a perfectly appropriate response because the children are innocent and don’t understand the gravity of the situation. Matthews symbolizes a very specific scenario, but he also creates a symbol of the “world” which has become “small.” The shrinking of the world that used to be filled with “mountains and oceans and winter and rivers and stars” is not physically possible. However, what the speaker is trying to portray is that the world used to be filled with natural objects, but then man came and changed it. Paradoxically creating a small world, the speaker further emphasizes how life has no conscience, it is simple moving on with those creating it.
Paradoxical symbolism, straightforward irony, and discreet characterization are all combined in Dave Matthews’ “Funny the Way It Is” to aid him in the portrayal of his message that life is sometimes “funny” in the way that it works out. Life is neither here nor there; it doesn’t change to acknowledge situations, coincidences happen all the time; life is neither “right or wrong” but instead continuously moving onward in an unknown direction.