Thursday, February 9, 2012

Theme- Genre Declaration

Everyone reaches a point in there life at which they have to make a choice.  The question is which choice do you make?  Do you go the easy way, the way that guarantees results, the familiar way?  Or do you stray from the path, spread your wings, take a leap of faith, and hope that you catch the wind so that you can soar to new heights?  For me, that second path is always the one worth taking; it’s the more exciting path, the adventurous one.  The second path leads you to your dreams.  I chose dreams for my theme because there is something so mystical about them, so intriguing.  Dreams can be anything, dreams for hope, for love, for acceptance.  Dreams dictate everything we do, they are ever present, they are that voice in our heads guiding us along the way. 
  To find a genre in the whole wild world of music that captures the core of a dream is very difficult.  In a sense, every song in any genre could be about a dream.  But there is one genre in particular that dwells in the dream realm.  One genre that contains the very essence of what a dream is.  The songs in this genre capture you with the first notes, and you are fixated until the very last crescendo which leaves your ears ringing long after the song has ended.  That’s what Broadway music is.  It’s the dream world of music, the place where you can want anything and be anyone.  It’s that last final note hanging in the air inviting you to live your dreams. 

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